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FMP Part 2 - Battle Tendancy

So FMP continues and we are making progress. We now have roughly 3 character designs bagged and sorted. Now all that’s left are 8 plus characters to design and illustrate. My previous blog introduced my sudden career prospect change whereas this one will start to go into a bit more detail as to what exactly is my FMP proposal. Firstly, my FMP as simple as possible is to concept characters for a RPG type sci-fi game. I choose the RPG genre specifically since this will allow me to create and generate ideas that are character focused within the stereotypical RPG trope of factions. In addition, RPG texts offers the change for one to do world building via characters’ fashion choices and aesthetics. Essentially I can convey the sense of a unified world if successful through character art. However, generating characters won’t be the only goal I have in mind for this project. Stretch goals for this project include concepting various props, vehicles and environments to compliment these characters.

The context within where these characters are placed is what I would describe as a campy take on the post-apocalyptic genre. I guess my general synopsis for the world I am using to create these characters is that of a world hit by a nuclear holocaust years ago and its society rebuilding itself whilst also discovering new things about the changed world. Heh convoluted right. Think fallout but with a sort of western sort of vibe of discovery oh and there are anthropomorphic animals. Reading this back now and its clear my FMP sounds like a mess however prior to starting the project I spent time writing a personal design document and had others look at it to tighten up areas of this idea to make sure I hopefully don’t fall off the deep end.

The use of a nuclear holocaust as essentially a plot device allows me to develop more fantastical characters and elements in addition to the sci-fi tone this will allow me to work with typical sci-fi tropes such as robots and futuristic props etc.

When discussing the work, I have produced so far I have made 3 dichotomous raider character that I hope will become the benchmark in which all characters follow a similar vibe/mood.

The idea behind this raider clan was to design a bunch of characters that live underground and base their society on a sort of weird mutilation/ augmentation theme. The idea being each member of the clan being dependant on each other due to their disabilities/augmentations.

The feel/mood of these characters were based off of the real life gang, the numbers gang in south Africa. Something about how they were all unified via what some could say quite crude and infantile tattoos yet still have a sense of seriousness to it really captured what I want to convey in these characters. In addition, this is a theme/mood I want to show as the general theme of the FMP.

Artists such as Alexandre Zedig Diboine, Josan Gonzalez and Jamie Hewlett all have this fun, warm mood but well executed style of art I would like to reflect in my work.

Using these 3 characters I have worked on as a benchmark for my project this does mean that my initial idea of muted colours in my last post will have to change working with a much more in your face saturated pallet to convey a sense of vibrancy.

Well I guess next week I will be finally moving onto my planned 1 character a week schedule and next week’s goal is pirate themed. As usual below is a slideshow documenting the work I have produced this week.

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