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Week 3


the group carried on as usual producing assets but a few our group members felt as if there were a few problems in the air. We settled this in a group meeting on Friday, During this meeting we went over the style guide again to make sure everybody knew what we were aiming for, we had a small debate on the difficulty of producing hand painted textures for such a large environment. We all came to an agreement on changing what we have produced so far to fit to the style guide, during this discussion, we implemented a new system to keep a better track of what we are doing. This system is really simple, Physical notes. This way we can see what we need to do and won’t lose it like we could with something digital, we can also use this as a way of reassuring our team that we are actually working. After we discussed this new system, we presented all of our assets that we have produced so far and helped each other out and pointed each other in the right direction, we used our note system to keep track of changes made and what needs to be changed next, ready for next week’s meeting. 


Anyway Below are some concepts we and Ideas we have produced which we plan on developing for the project. Thes concepts detail character/Statue designs. Interiors and exteriors as well as the general map.

[Week 3]

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