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Week 1


A project on this scale has proven to create many trails and issues we have had to get around however we are well on our way to making sure we are able to create a product for both the brief and competition. 

Based on the tempest we will model an island for the player to explore split up into 3 parts each with their own contrasting themes and styles to convey each domain with its own personality based on its owner/backstory. 


[Week 1]



The 3 parts we will be describing will be: 


  1. The beach where the shipwreck takes place 

  2. The pre-forest which will contain evidence of a previous owner to the island before the protagonist of the island Prospero. 

  3. Prospero’s area which will illustrate a much more magical land


Games that have inspired our project include the upcoming Xbox tile Sea of Thieves, Firewatch and Far Cry 4. We really want to achive a sense of wonderment and allow the player to explore a surreal and whimsical world

Hello and welcome to our blog. Here you will find documents detailing our progression from small idea into our final product; a digital and interactive interpretation of Shakespeare's tempest. We hope you enjoy your stay on our blog as we enjoyed producing this project.

Our main programs of use throughout this project include software such as 3ds max, Z brush and Unreal 4 as well as sound editing software and texturing tools such as Bitmap 2 Material as well as substance designer.


Unfortunately, some members of the team have gone home before a team photo could be taken however, a member has managed to compile a group photo illustrating all of our identities. We hope this not to be too much of an inconvenience.

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